Pray the rosary for peace in the Middle East

Amid the escalating conflict and rising tensions and fear, let us unite in prayer for peace in the Middle East.

In October, the month of the rosary, please join us in praying a decade for all those suffering and for an end to the violence.

With Pope Francis, we ask Mary’s intercession

Dwelling-place of the Holy Spirit, inspire the leaders of nations to seek paths of peace.
Queen of all peoples, reconcile your children, seduced by evil, blinded by power and hate.
You, who are close to all, shorten our distances.
You, who have compassion on everyone, teach us to care for one another.
You, who reveal the Lord’s tender love, make us witnesses of his consolation and peace.
Mother, Queen of Peace, pour forth into our hearts God’s gift of harmony.

Pray with us

Please add your name to our prayer message, which we will send to our trusted partners who are responding to the conflict in the Middle East:

  • Catholic Relief Services
  • Caritas Jerusalem
  • Hotline for Refugees and Migrants
  • Jerusalem Legal Aid Centre
  • local Gazan partner (we cannot name them for security reasons).

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